github DataDog/datadog-agent 7.27.0

latest releases: 6.55.0-installer-0.4.0, 7.55.0-installer-0.4.0, 6.55.0-installer-0.3.3...
3 years ago


Release on: 2021-04-14

Upgrade Notes

  • SECL and JSON format were updated to introduce the new attributes.
    Legacy support was added to avoid breaking existing rules.
  • The overlay_numlower integer
    attribute that was reported for files and executables was
    unreliable. It was replaced by a simple boolean attribute named
    in_upper_layer that is set to true
    when a file is either only on the upper layer of an overlayfs
    filesystem, or is an altered version of a file present in a base

New Features

  • APM: Add support for AIX/ppc64. Only POWER8 and above is supported.
  • Adds support for Kubernetes namespace labels as tags extraction
  • Add snmp corecheck implementation in go
  • APM: Tracing clients no longer need to be sending traces marked with
    sampling priority 0 (AUTO_DROP) in order for stats to be correct.
  • APM: A new discovery endpoint has been added at the /info path. It
    reveals information about a running agent, such as available
    endpoints, version and configuration.
  • APM: Add support for filtering tags by means of
    apm_config.filter_tags or environment variables
  • Dogstatsd clients can now choose the cardinality of tags added by
    origin detection per metrics via the tag 'dd.internal.card' ("low",
    "orch", "high").
  • Added two new metrics to the Disk check: read_time and write_time.
  • The Agent can store traffic on disk when the in-memory retry queue
    of the forwarder limit is reached. Enable this capability by setting
    forwarder_storage_max_size_in_bytes to
    a positive value indicating the maximum amount of storage space, in
    bytes, that the Agent can use to store traffic on disk.
  • PCF Containers custom tags can be extracted from environment
    variables based on an include and exclude lists mechanism.
  • NPM is now supported on Windows, for Windows versions 2016 and
  • Runtime security now report command line arguments as part of the
    exec events.
  • Process credentials are now tracked by the runtime security agent.
    Various user and group attributes are now collected, along with
    kernel capabilities.
  • File metadata attributes are now available for all events. Those new
    attributes include uid, user, gid, group, mode, modification time
    and change time.
  • Add config parameters to enable fim and runtime rules.
  • Network Performance Monitoring for Windows instruments DNS. Network
    data from Windows hosts will be tagged with the domain tag, and the
    DNS page will show data for Windows hosts.

Enhancement Notes

  • Improves sensitive data scrubbing in URLs
  • Includes UTC time (unless already in UTC+0) and millisecond
    timestamp in status logs. Flare archive filename now timestamped in
  • Automatically set debug log_level when the '--flare' option is used
    with the JMX command
  • Number of matched lines is displayed on the status page for each
    source using multi_line log processing rules.
  • Add public IPv4 for EC2/GCE instances to host network metadata.
  • Add loader config to snmp_listener
  • Add snmp corecheck extract value using regex
  • Remove agent MaxNumWorkers hard limit that cap the number of check
    runners to 25. The removal is motivated by the need for some users
    to run thousands of integrations like snmp corecheck.
  • APM: Change in the stats payload format leading to reduced CPU and
    memory usage. Use of DDSketch instead of GKSketch to aggregate
    distributions leading to more accurate high percentiles.
  • APM: Removal of sublayer metric computation improves performance of
    the trace agent (CPU and memory).
  • APM: All API endpoints now respond with the "Datadog-Agent-Version"
    HTTP response header.
  • Query application list from Cloud Foundry Cloud Controller API to
    get up-to-date application names for tagging containers and metrics.
  • Introduce a clc_runner_id config option to allow overriding the
    default Cluster Checks Runner identifier. Defaults to the node name
    to make it backwards compatible. It is intended to allow binpacking
    more than a single runner per node.
  • Improve migration path when shifting docker container tailing from
    the socket to file. If tailing from file for Docker containers is
    enabled, container with an existing entry relative to a socket
    tailer will continue being tailed from the Docker socket unless the
    following newly introduced option is set to true:
    logs_config.docker_container_force_use_file It aims to allow
    smooth transition to file tailing for Docker containers.
  • (Unix only) Add go_core_dump flag
    to generate core dumps on Agent crashes
  • JSON payload serialization and compression now uses shared input and
    output buffers to reduce total allocations in the lifetime of the
  • On Windows the comments in the datadog.yaml file are preserved after
  • Add kube_region and kube_zone tags to node metrics reported by the
    kube-state-metrics core check
  • Implement the following synthetic metrics in the
    kubernetes_state_core check to mimic the legacy kubernetes_state
    • persistentvolumes.by_phase
    • service.count
    • namespace.count
    • replicaset.count
    • job.count
    • deployment.count
    • daemonset.count
    • statefulset.coumt
  • Minor improvements to agent log-stream command. Fixed timestamp,
    added host name, use redacted log message instead of raw message.
  • NPM - Improve accuracy of retransmits tracking on kernels >=4.7
  • Orchestrator explorer collection is no longer handled by the
    cluster-agent directly but by a dedicated check.
  • prometheus_scrape.checks may now be defined as an environmnet
    variable DD_PROMETHEUS_SCRAPE_CHECKS formatted as JSON
  • Runtime security module doesn't stop on first policies file load
    error and now send an event with a report of the load.
  • Sketch series payloads are now compressed as a stream to reduce
    buffer allocations.
  • The Datadog Agent won't try to connect to kubelet anymore if it's
    not running in a Kubernetes cluster.

Known Issues

  • On Linux kernel versions < 3.15, conntrack (used for NAT info for
    connections) sampling is not supported, and conntrack updates will
    be aborted if a higher rate of conntrack updates from the system
    than set by system_probe_config.conntrack_rate_limit is
    detected. This is done to limit excessive resource consumption by
    the netlink conntrack update system. To keep using this system even
    with a high rate of conntrack updates, increase the
    system_probe_config.conntrack_rate_limit. This can potentially
    lead to higher cpu usage.

Deprecation Notes

  • APM: Sublayer metrics (trace.<SPAN_NAME>.duration and
    derivatives) computation is removed from the agent in favor of new
    sublayer metrics generated in the backend.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes bug introduced in #7229
  • Adds a limit to the number of DNS stats objects the DNSStatkeeper
    can have at any given time. This can alleviate memory issues on
    hosts doing high numbers of DNS requests where network performance
    monitoring is enabled.
  • Add tags to snmp_listener network configs. This is needed since
    user switching from Python SNMP Autodiscovery will expect to have
    tags to be available with Agent SNMP Autodiscovery (snmp_listener)
  • APM: When UDP is not available for Dogstatsd, the trace-agent can
    now use any other available alternative, such as UDS or Windows
  • APM: Fixes a bug where nested SQL queries may occasionally result in
    bad obfuscator output.
  • APM: All Datadog API key usage is sanitized to exclude newlines and
    other control characters.
  • Exceeding the conntrack rate limit
    (system_probe_config.conntrack_rate_limit) would result in
    conntrack updates from the system not being processed anymore
  • Address issue with referencing the wrong repo tag for Docker image
    by simplifying logic in DockerUtil.ResolveImageNameFromContainer to
    prefer Config.Image when possible.
  • Fix kernel version parsing when subversion/patch is > 255, so
    eBPF program loading does not fail.
  • Agent host tags are now correctly removed from the in-app host when
    the configured tags/DD_TAGS list is empty or not defined.
  • Fixes scheduling of non-working container checks introduced by
    environment autodiscovery in 7.26. Features can now be exluded from
    autodiscovery results through autoconfig_exclude_features. Example:
    autoconfig_exclude_features: ["docker","cri"] or
    DD_AUTOCONFIG_EXCLUDE_FEATURES="docker cri" Fix typo in variable
    used to disable environment autodiscovery and make it usable in
    datadog.yaml. You should now set
    autoconfig_from_environment: false
  • Fixes limitation of runtime autodiscovery which would not allow to
    run containerd check without cri check enabled. Fixes error logs in
    non-Kubernetes environments.
  • Fix missing tags on Dogstatsd metrics when
    DD_DOGSTATSD_TAG_CARDINALITY=orchestrator (for instance,
    task_arn on Fargate)
  • Fix a panic in the system-probe part
    of the tcp_queue_length check when
    running on nodes with several CPUs.
  • Fix agent crashes from Python interpreter being freed too early.
    This was most likely to occur as an edge case during a shutdown of
    the agent where the interpreter was destroyed before the finalizers
    for a check were invoked by finalizers.
  • Do not make the liveness probe fail in case of network connectivity
    issue. However, if the agent looses network connectivity, the
    readiness probe may still fail.
  • On Windows, using process agent, fixes the virtual CPU count when
    the device has more than one physical CPU (package)).
  • On Windows, fixes problem in process agent wherein windows processes
    could not completely exit.
  • (macOS only) Apple M1 chip architecture information is now correctly
  • Make ebpf compiler buildable on non-GLIBC environment.
  • Fix a bug preventing pod updates to be sent due to the Kubelet
    exposing unreliable resource versions.
  • Silence INFO and WARNING gRPC logs by default. They can be
    re-enabled by setting GRPC_GO_LOG_VERBOSITY_LEVEL to either INFO
    or WARNING.

Other Notes

  • Network monitor now fails to load if conntrack initialization fails
    on system-probe startup. Set
    network_config.ignore_conntrack_init_failure to true to reverse
    this behavior.
  • When generating the permissions.log file for a flare, if the owner
    of a file no longer exists in the system, return its id instead
    instead of failing.
  • Upgrade embedded openssl to 1.1.1k.

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