github DUpdateSystem/UpgradeAll 0.13-alpha.1

latest releases: 0.13-beta.4, 0.13-beta.3, 0.13-beta.2...
2 years ago

If you wish to join develop, please contact us
And white paper of the APP will be published in a few days
几天后将发布 UPA 白皮书


  1. Drop update service dependent, and move some function to client. (due to lack of developers and server maintainers)
  2. Add local disk cache
  3. Change downloader library(although still very unstable)


  1. 移除了对更新服务器的强制依赖,把一部分功能移植到了客户端上
  2. 添加了本地持久化缓存的支持
  3. 更换了下载库(尽管依然是垃圾,未来核心可能考虑用 rust 重构

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