github DS-Homebrew/nds-bootstrap v1.4.0

latest releases: v2.4.2, v2.4.1, v2.4.0...
11 months ago

Included in TWiLight Menu++ v26.8.0


  1. Download the .7z file.
  2. Extract the nds-bootstrap .nds and .ver files, to root:/_nds/.

What's new?

  • A long awaited and overdue DS homebrew compatibility update has been implemented!
    • Homebrew titles which have not booted in prior versions such as Moonshell v2.10 and Tetris: The Grand Master now boot properly!
    • SD read speeds have improved, by using 512KB of DSi WRAM (or for Memory Pit users, 96KB of Main RAM) as a LRU cache!
      • Before (Moonshell v1.71): 8 seconds
      • After (Moonshell v1.71): 2.5 seconds
    • DPG playback in Moonshell is also working properly!
  • To slightly speed-up memcpy operations for LRU cache and pre-loaded ROM reads, tonccpy has been replaced with the memcpy code from BlocksDS!

Bug fix

  • Fixed where reading both the last and first parts of the save file at the same time would cause a game to crash.
    • This fixes where Gormiti: The Lords of Nature! would crash on the save initialization screen, if the save file is 64KB.

Known bugs

  • Moonshell v1.71 may crash later on for some DPG files. It is recommended to use v2.10 instead.
  • Moonshell v2.10 will crash if logbuf.txt exists in the moonshl2 folder.

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