github DS-Homebrew/nds-bootstrap v0.72.0

latest releases: v2.4.1, v2.4.0, v2.3.3...
21 months ago

Included in TWiLight Menu++ v25.10.0


  1. Download the .7z file.
  2. Extract the nds-bootstrap .nds and .ver files, to root:/_nds/.

What's new?

  • 2006-Nen 10-Gatsu Taikenban Soft now boots!

Bug fixes

  • NDMA is now only used for SD reads aligned by 4-bytes. CPU is used for non-aligned reads.
    • NAND saving (used by WW: DIY, Jam with the Band, and Face Training) should now be working properly again.
    • Should improve compatibility with certain homebrew, in the case of those using non-aligned reads.
  • B4DS mode: Audio glitching should no longer occur when reading or writing save data.
    • Tested with R4(i) Ultra and R4i-SDHC. Not tested with Ace3DS+ (which was known to have the bug).

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