Credits: ahezard, Gericom, Apache Thunder, Robz8, _catcatcat, and shutterbug2000.
Important: For nds-bootstrap to work, make sure your SD card is formatted to FAT32 with 32kb cluster/allocation size.
- The SDK5 build does not save to SD card yet.
3DS users: You'll need a donor cart (not ROM) inserted, and it should contain the same save type as the game you're running. Make sure to backup your save data on it first.
Download the .7z file for what console you're using, then extract what's in the .7z file, to the _nds
Fixes a long-standing bug that prevented games such as Dokapon Journey, Contra 4, Megaman Starforce, Chrono Trigger (which still will need to be patched because AP) and more from working!