github DS-Homebrew/nds-bootstrap v0.30.1

latest releases: v2.4.1, v2.4.0, v2.3.3...
4 years ago

Released around 12PM MST.
Re-released to patch a bug making thumb SDK5 games (Avatar, Pokémon B2W2, etc.) not work.

Credits: ahezard, Gericom, Apache Thunder, RocketRobz, _catcatcat, shutterbug2000, damianoamatruda, and arraystock.


  1. Download the .7z file.
  2. Extract the nds-bootstrap (or B4DS, for DS-mode flashcards) .nds files, to root:/_nds.
  3. Extract the .ver file to root:/_nds/TWiLightMenu.

What's new?

  • DSi: Bothered by seeing white lines over your screens when pressing POWER, soft-resetting, or exiting back to TWLMenu++?
    nds-bootstrap will instead now instantly make both screens white, where the white lines are now less visible!
  • When soft-resetting, the nds-bootstrap logo will now not be shown, if saving FAT table cache is turned off.
    This does not apply to forced soft-resets.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed some games triggering a forced reboot when holding L+R+START+SELECT, such as MegaMan Zero Collection.
    Instead, you can now force a soft-reset by holding L+R+START+SELECT for 2 seconds, for games that don't reset with that button combo.
  • In hopes of fixing corruption bug for SD cards above 32GB, NDMA is no longer used for reading the existing FAT table cache.

Known bug

  • Version number file contains v0.30.2 instead of v0.30.1, due to the re-release originally going to be released as v0.30.2.

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