github DS-Homebrew/nds-bootstrap card.v1
Card Release 1

latest releases: v2.4.2, v2.4.1, v2.4.0...
pre-release8 years ago

This is a prerelease of the "card" branch. This branch purpose was to implement the capability to run commercial ds game. For now it have no homebrew/dldi support so use previous V0.0.3 release if you want that. Future release will restore homebrew/dldi support.

Thanks to the work of ahezard, Gericom, Apache, Robz8, _catcatcat, and shutterbug2000, we can now load NDS games from the SD card, without any flashcard/SLOT-1 card.
As promised, a release is here, on Christmas/Christmas Eve.
Don't expect high compatibility or save support yet, but do expect many, many updates.
Have fun!

Some games that work well with this version:

Warioware: Touched
Mario Kart DS (if you have a physical MKDS card for saving)
GoldenEye: Rogue Agent
Space Invaders DS
MegaMan ZX
Yoshi Touch & Go

A fair warning and note to all: If you don't wish to save, keep ALL cards out of SLOT-1. THE SAVES WILL BE OVERWRITTEN IF THE SAVE CHIP MATCHES.
For example, running MKDS with an AC:WW game in SLOT-1 will overwrite AC:WW's save, since the chip is the same.
However, if you wish to save like this, TWLSaveTool can tell you the chip type. Just backup the old save first.

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