github DOCGroup/ACE_TAO ACE+TAO-7_0_7

latest releases: ACE+TAO-8_0_2, ACE+TAO-8_0_1, ACE+TAO-8_0_0...
2 years ago

Once again, thanks to the efforts of many developers, testers, and users, we are pleased to announce the major release of ACE 7.0.7 and TAO 3.0.7 which is available from the usual download location under the heading "Latest Micro Release".

The Source Code zip/tar.gz provided by github do not contain the necessary MPC files, please do not download these!

Changes to ACE

  • Minor changes

Changes to TAO

  • Fixed an issue with handling spaces in paths for TAO_IDL
  • TAO_IDL: Fix open file error not mentioning the filename and not checking if the file is actually a directory.

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