github DOCGroup/ACE_TAO ACE+TAO-6_4_7
ACE+TAO 6.4.7

latest releases: ACE+TAO-8_0_2, ACE+TAO-8_0_1, ACE+TAO-8_0_0...
6 years ago

Once again, thanks to the efforts of many developers, testers, and users, we are pleased to announce the minor release of ACE 6.4.7 and TAO 2.4.7 which is available from the usual download location under the heading "Latest Micro Release".

The Source Code zip/tar.gz provided by github do not contain the necessary MPC package, please do not download these!

Changes to ACE

  • Added a new, optional argument named ipv6_only. If ipv6_only is 0/false (the default) the socket will accept both IPv6 and IPv4 connections/datagrams. If ipv6_only is 1/true the socket will only accept IPv6. This behavior only applies when ACE_HAS_IPV6 is true and the local-side IP address is the generic localhost IP address. This optional argument is added to:
    • ACE_Acceptor::ACE_Acceptor
    • ACE_Acceptor::open
    • ACE_SOCK_Dgram::ACE_SOCK_Dgram
    • ACE_SOCK_Dgram::open
  • Integrated some changes from XSC into XML Utils
  • Enable ACE_HAS_CPP11 when we have clang with C++11 enabled
  • Added support for cross compiling using MinGW on a Linux host
  • Added support for FreeBSD 11
  • Fixed issue ACE_Singleton was broken after ACE::fini, ACE::init (#554)

Changes to TAO

  • TAO_IDL parses and discards IDLv4 annotations (applying, not defining)
  • Fixed Bug 1220 as it applies to the SHMIOP transport.

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