github DLR-SC/tigl v3.1.0
TiGL 3.1.0

latest releases: v3.3.1, v3.3.0, v3.2.3...
3 years ago

Version 3.1.0


  • General changes:

    • Full support of CPACS 3.1
    • Backport support for control surface devices from TiGL 2. It is now possible to manipulate trailing edge devices
      with TiGL 3.1 using the TiGL Viewer, the API or the language bindings.
    • Added support for fuselage walls
    • Support for fuselage profiles with kinks.
    • Added support for new symmetry flags inherit and none. The symmetry flag inherit causes a geometric
      component to inherit the symmetry flag from its parent geometry. This was and still is the default behavior in
      TiGL. The new symmetry type none allows the addition of components to mirrored geometries without respecting the
      symmetry of the parent.
    • Substantially improve performance of ::tiglCheckPointInside.
    • Reduce complexity of the fuselage geometry: The profiles of the fuselage are reparametrized to create simpler a
      B-spline surface. This will improve robustness of boolean operations and increase the general performance at the
      cost of a small error in the geometry creation, that should be negligable in most cases.
  • New API functions:

    • Added new api function ::tiglComponentGetType

    • For control devices, the deflection value has been renamed to control_parameter. Therefore the functions

      • ::tiglControlSurfaceGetMinimumDeflection
      • ::tiglControlSurfaceGetMaximumDeflection
      • ::tiglControlSurfaceGetDeflection
      • ::tiglControlSurfaceSetDeflection

      are marked as deprecated. Please use the new functions

      • ::tiglControlSurfaceGetMinimumControlParameter
      • ::tiglControlSurfaceGetMaximumControlParameter
      • ::tiglControlSurfaceGetControlParameter
      • ::tiglControlSurfaceSetControlParameter


  • Fixes:

    • Fixes compilation errors with MinGW and VS 2019
    • Fixes compilation errors with qt4
    • Fixes compilation errors with OpenCascade 7.4.0 and OCCT 7.2
    • Several fixes to internal python bindings
    • Several fixes to control devices code.
    • Fixes invalid segment meta data in VTK export
    • fixing problem in ReadCPACS when using rotors (invalidation during read of segments caused error in lazy creation of attached rotor blades)
  • TiGLViewer:

    • Back-ported control surfaces to TiGL Viewer and improved design of flap dialog.
    • Added option to draw face boundaries in TiGl Viewer

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