github DFHack/dfhack 0.44.07-alpha1
DFHack 0.44.07-alpha1

latest releases: 50.15-r1.2, 50.15-r1.1, 50.15-r1...
pre-release6 years ago

Initial 0.44.07 support; not all structures that need to be updated have been. Please report anything broken.

Note: The Linux builds are built on a new system, and there are GCC 7 options instead of GCC 5 now. Please report any issues with them not working.


  • embark-assistant: fixed detection of reanimating biomes


  • Several new names in instrument raw structures

  • identity: identified profession, civ

  • manager_order_template: fixed last field type

  • viewscreen_createquotast: fixed layout

  • world.language: moved colors, shapes, patterns to world.descriptors

  • world.reactions, world.reaction_categories: moved to new compound, world.reactions. Requires renaming:

    • world.reactions to world.reactions.reactions
    • world.reaction_categories to world.reactions.reaction_categories

Other Changes

  • embark-assistant:

    • Added search for adamantine
    • Now supports saving/loading profiles
  • fillneeds: added -all option to apply to all units

  • remotefortressreader: added flows, instruments, tool names, campfires, ocean waves, spiderwebs

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