github DFHack/dfhack 0.43.05-alpha4
DFHack 0.43.05-alpha4

latest releases: 50.15-r1.2, 50.15-r1.1, 50.15-r1...
pre-release7 years ago

This build fixes some strange behavior with buildingplan and several other tools on all platforms, as well as a number of broken tools due to missing globals on 64-bit Linux.


  • Fixed an issue with uninitialized bitfields that was causing several issues
    (disappearing buildings in buildingplan's planning mode, strange behavior in
    the extended stocks screen, and likely other problems). This issue was
    introduced in 0.43.05-alpha3.
  • stockflow: Fixed an "integer expected" error


  • Located several globals on 64-bit Linux: flows, timed_events, ui_advmode,
    ui_building_assign_type, ui_building_assign_is_marked,
    ui_building_assign_units, ui_building_assign_items, and ui_look_list. This
    fixes search, zone, and force, among others.
  • ui_sidebar_menus: Fixed some x64 alignment issues


  • Added fix/tile-occupancy: Clears bad occupancy flags on the selected tile.
    Useful for fixing blocked tiles introduced by the above buildingplan issue.
  • Added a Lua tile-material module

Other Changes

  • labormanager: Add support for shell crafts
  • manipulator: Custom professions are now sorted alphabetically more reliably

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