github DFHack/dfhack 0.43.03-alpha1
DFHack 0.43.03-alpha1

latest releases: 51.05-r1, 51.04-r1.1, 51.04-r1...
pre-release8 years ago

This is an alpha release for 0.43.03. Please try to figure out how to make it crash or act strangely and tell us how!

New things since 0.42.06:


  • Label widgets can now easily register handlers for mouse clicks

New Features

  • gui/gm-editor it's now possible to insert default types to containers. For primitive types leave the type entry empty, for references use *.


  • createitem: Now moves multiple created items to cursor correctly
  • exportlegends: Improved handling of unknown enum items (fixes many errors)
  • gui/create-item: Fixed quality when creating multiple items
  • gui/mod-manager: Fixed error when mods folder doesn't exist
  • modtools/item-trigger: Fixed handling of items with subtypes

Misc Improvements

  • catsplosion: now a lua script instead of a plugin
  • fix/diplomats: replaces fixdiplomats
  • fix/merchants: replaces fixmerchants


  • tweak manager-quantity: no longer needed

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