github DFHack/dfhack 0.42.05-alpha1
DFHack 0.42.05-alpha1

latest releases: 51.06-r2rc1, 51.06-r1, 51.05-r1...
pre-release9 years ago

Another alpha release, with support for 0.42.05 (and 0.42.04). Reports seem to imply that this is stable, but as usual, make backups of your saves and report any issues you find on GitHub or the Bay12 Forums thread.


  • Commands to run on startup can be specified on the command line with +


    ./dfhack +devel/print-args example
    "Dwarf Fortress.exe" +devel/print-args example
  • Prevented plugins with active viewscreens from being unloaded and causing a crash

New Plugins

  • autogems: Creates a new Workshop Order setting, automatically cutting rough gems

New Scripts

  • devel/save-version: Displays DF version information about the current save

New Features

  • buildingplan: Support for floodgates, grates, and bars
  • confirm: Added a confirmation for retiring locations
  • exportlegends: Exports more information (poetic/musical/dance forms, written/artifact content, landmasses, extra histfig information, and more)
  • search: Support for new screens:
    • location occupation assignment
    • civilization animal training knowledge
    • animal trainer assignment
  • tweak:
    • tweak block-labors: Prevents labors that can't be used from being toggled
    • tweak hide-priority: Adds an option to hide designation priority indicators
    • tweak title-start-rename: Adds a safe rename option to the title screen "Start Playing" menu


  • exportlegends: Handles entities without specific races, and a few other fixes for things new to v0.42
  • showmood: Fixed name display on OS X/Linux

Misc Improvements

  • weather: now implemented by a script

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