github Cybrarist/Discount-Bandit v-3.4

one day ago

added "disable" and "bulk disable" for stores to enhance performance. ( after you disable stores that you don't need, you need to restart the container to remove extra supervisor processes)
Groups are back again with price history
added gotify notification support by @github/TheZoker
added dynamic cron options for products crawling and group crawling. (by default it's 5 minutes)

added bot detection for amazon germany
added "fetching" status to products inserted recently
fix cache table doesn't exists when container boots.
for the sixth of seventh time , hopefully this is the final time, disable auth should be working as apparently docker image sometimes neglect the whole code, so i rewrote that one in a different way,
added option to mount the whole database folder if needed, along with creating .env inside docker, so no need to mount that anymore.

UI update for price notification and percentage drop notification.

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