github CrunchyData/postgres-operator v4.7.4

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2 years ago

Crunchy Data announces the release of PGO, the Postgres Operator 4.7.4.

The PostgreSQL Operator is released in conjunction with the Crunchy Container Suite.

PostgreSQL Operator 4.7.4 release includes the following software versions upgrades:

  • PostgreSQL versions 13.5, 12.9, 11.14, 10.19 and 9.6.24 are now available.
  • PostGIS version 3.1.4 is now available.
  • The pgnodemx extension is now at version 1.0.6
  • pgBouncer is now at version 1.16.1
  • The pgAudit extension is now at version 1.6.1.
  • The pg_partman extension is now at version 4.6.0.
  • The TimescaleDB extension is now at version 2.5.0.


  • Update automatic OpenShift detection logic to look specifically for the presence of the SecurityContextConstraint API. Reported by (@aurelien43).
  • The rmdata process now verifies the proper deletion of all cluster resources prior to deleting the pgcluster custom resource.
  • Label updates will now be retried to account for potential race conditions.


  • Ensure the pgo create pgbouncer command can set CPU and memory limits via --cpu-limit and --memory-limit respectively.
  • Ensure pgo delete backup works with backups stored in S3 or GCS. Reported by Munjal Patel (@munjalpatel).
  • Ensure pgo create cluster --pgbackrest-s3-ca-secret overrides the CA used for pgBackRest.
  • Update the aws-s3-ca.crt value to use the newer CAs provided by AWS. If a PostgreSQL cluster is using the old default CA, PGO will update the general one kept in the pgo-backrest-repo-config Secret and pgo upgrade will update it for a specific cluster.
  • The aws-s3-ca.crt file in a pgBackRest Secret is now properly preserved when recreating a cluster that was previously deleted using the --keep-backups flag.
  • Allow for the original primary instance to be scaled down after running pgo upgrade.
  • Fix noise in logs due to an incorrect reference in a shell script when performing a reload operation on a PostgreSQL cluster.

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