This version provides several features and bugfixes to both server and SDKs. There are a lot of improvements in Countly core, and you are advised to upgrade. Below you can find notable changes for both Community Edition and Enterprise Edition.
Changelog for both Community Edition and Enterprise Edition
- Feature: We developed Countly Code Generator ( to help developers integrate their SDKs easily.
- Feature: We provided several one liner explanations in Countly configuration options (under dashboard > Management > Configuration)
- Feature: Charts now full day for today's chart, instead of capping to current time.
- Switched from MongoDB 3.0 to 3.2.
- Feature: Command line now checks whether user is root and displays meaningful message for root needed commands
- Feature: App key of application and API key of user can be changed from dashboard. This is nice in circumstances where keys should be modified in SDK but this is not a viable method.
- Feature: Previously it wasn't possible to rename events with key names containing dots. As you may have guessed, this is not the case any more.
- Feature: Countly now uses bulk report sending through jobs, rather than cronjob for each separate report.
- Feature: Reports now also display overall events data and also benefit from datatables library when managing reports.
- Feature: We dropped using Imagemagick, and started using Sharp node module instead.
- Feature: Add IPv6 listen directive to Nginx config to make sure we are ready to use IPv6 in the future.
- Bugfix: There is a fix in bulk API that now helps API run smoothly in certain conditions.
- Bugfix: All known issues with push notifications have been fixed.
- Bugfix: Date selector issue inside push notifications have been fixed.
- Bugfix: Corrected user estimation with active users data.
- Bugfix: Fixed unique click reporting in attribution.
- User experience: App management is visually improved with hints and value order.
- User experience: All apps data fetching is greatly optimized.
- User experience: User management table is redesigned with datatables.
- User experience: Data populator has been revamped so it generates less random and more meaningful data with less overhead for browser.
- User experience: We removed unused fields for web analytics.
- User experience: When Google services are disabled (mainly for servers in China), switching between cities and countries and displaying simple table of countries on dashboard is now possible.
- User experience: Improved plugin state syncing between two Countly servers, with option to disable it.
- User interface: There is now a new and improved side bar UI which looks and behaves a lot better than the old, one-level navigation bar.
- User interface: There is a new, shiny pre-login page design that you'll probably love.
- User interface: Main dashboard has been redesigned and better graph tooltips have been added to graphs.
- User interface: Removed app category from app creation since we think your time is valuable.
- User interface: Whole UI is now more modern - lots of small & lovely retouches everywhere
- User interface: Loading bar has been renewed with a modern one.
- User interface: When clicked on cog, user settings are now displayed in full screen instead of popup.
Changelog specific to Enterprise Edition (available for Enterprise Edition customers)
- Bugfix: We have made a few fixes for data types interpreted incorrectly for custom properties and provided historical values of user properties for selected period.
- Drill: Bookmark management is now available through API.
- Drill: Plugin can use disk space for large aggregated queries.
- Drill: Plugin now can perform BY queries without AND.
- Drill: It's possible to query session by length/duration
- Attribution Analytics: It's possible to report organic conversions with Web Analytics.
- Attribution Analytics: It's possible to select which campaigns to compare.
- Attribution Analytics: a new configuration to pass campaign data to end URLs or not.
- Attribution Analytics: It can pass all the properties to postback url, including custom ones
- Attribution Analytics: User can hide a campaign when completed, to declutter user interface.
- Attribution Analytics: Optimization of loading data by separating campaign properties and analytical data.
- New plugin: Retention with segments, where retention table can be drilled down into segmentation values.
- New plugin: Restrict access, where admin can define who can see what part of the dashboard.
- New plugin: Block requests, where admin can block certain type of requests coming from devices or web apps.
Updated SDKs
- Windows Phone SDK updated, with 60 seconds intervals instead of 20.
- iPhone SDK updated, with many features and bugfixes.
- Android SDK updated, with many features.
- Web SDK updated to reflect changes on 16.06 release
- Nodejs SDK updated to reflect changes on 16.06 release