- 1.10.56 stable @ucwong (#2020)
- refactor so NewBlock, WithBody take types.Body @ucwong (#2019)
- core/rawdb: implement in-memory freezer @ucwong (#2018)
- crypto instead of sha3 @ucwong (#2017)
- trie/trienode: minor speedup in nodeset merging @ucwong (#2016)
- close opened files @ucwong (#2015)
- 1.10.56 unstable @ucwong (#2014)
- core/vm: add subgroup checks for mul/mulexp for G1/G2 @ucwong (#2013)
- core/vm: remove a redundant zero check in opAddmod @ucwong (#2012)
- p2p/simulations/adapters: use maps.Clone @ucwong (#2011)
- deps @ucwong (#2010)
- simple seeding to upload @ucwong (#2009)
- core/state: revert pending storage updates if they revert to original⦠@ucwong (#2008)
- core/state: better randomized testing (postcheck) on journalling @ucwong (#2007)
- remove unnecessary checks @ucwong (#2006)
- core/state: storage journal entry should revert dirtyness too @ucwong (#2005)
- trie, consensus/clique: use maps.Clone @ucwong (#2004)
- trie: preallocate capacity for fields slice @ucwong (#2003)
- state operation v2 @ucwong (#2002)
- core/vm: fix Prague contracts (#29612) @ucwong (#2001)