github Coopydood/ultimate-macOS-KVM v0.8.3

latest releases: v0.12.1, v0.12.1-rc1, v0.12.1-pre2...
13 months ago

Minor update • 12/04/2023

This update includes the following features / fixes / changes:

  • Fixed some spelling mistakes in AutoPilot
  • Fixed a critical issue where AutoPilot would fail to function on new repo clones
  • Main menu now auto-detects valid AutoPilot config files and adds boot entry to menu
  • Optimised the scope of first-time permission fixes
  • Changed the structure of clean OVMF files
  • Patched scripts with OVMF replacement routines to work with new structure
  • Added the "Restore Tools" menu, accessed via the Extras menu
  • Added several restoration scripts to aid easy automatic troubleshooting
  • Reorganisation of the extras menu entries, including support for Restore Tools

To see individual code changes, visit the project's commits page at


Remember, commits by Coopydood will always be signed as 4CD28348A3DD016F or GitHub's public key.

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