Minor update • 07/10/2023
This update includes the following features / fixes / changes:
- Added Discord rich presence to AutoPilot
- Changed wording of XML stage in AutoPilot flow
- Fixed an issue where the XML converter would inject incorrect CPU threads
- Fixed an issue where the XML converter would fail to import a converted AutoPilot script using 1 CPU thread (@DomTrues)
- Fixed an issue where XML debug info would not be injected during AP flow
- Fixed an issue where the working directory would be logged incorrectly
- XML converter now uses the macOS friendly name for domain titles
- XML converter will now disable the default VGA device if passthrough is detected
- Hard disk files generated by AutoPilot are now calibrated to hit the absolute target size after formatting from within macOS
- AutoPilot navigation legibility improvements
- it works on my machine!
To see individual code changes, visit the project's commits page at https://github.com/Coopydood/ultimate-macOS-KVM/commits/main
This release has multiple authors. Attributions for contributor changes are included in relevant lines above.
Remember, commits by Coopydood will always be signed as 4CD28348A3DD016F or GitHub's public key.