github Consensys/teku 20.11.1

latest releases: 24.6.1, 24.6.0, 24.4.0...
3 years ago

Upcoming Breaking Changes

  • Docker images are now being published to consensys/teku. The pegasys/teku images will continue to be updated for the next few releases but please update your configuration to use consensys/teku.
  • --validators-key-files and --validators-key-password-files have been replaced by --validator-keys. The old arguments will be removed in a future release.


Bug Fixes

  • Resolve slow lookup for validators by public key, particularly when the public key is not a known validator.
  • Ensure correct source target is used when creating attestations for an empty slot at the start of the epoch.
  • Fix --initial-state option so it is included in help output and support --initial-state "" to ignore built-in states and recalculate genesis from the Eth1 chain.
  • Improved error message when Eth1 node fails to return data for a requested block.
  • Reduced batch size when retrieving deposits from the Eth1 chain. Improves compatibility with Geth nodes with limited resources.


  • Available as 20.11.1 on Dockerhub
  • Download the binary distribution:
    • tar.gz (sha256: 187b842aa3b2333d34814cba264c6d8d8a6f4dca89762b70d46898428d2f01cc)
    • zip (sha256: 07c547f79cf8502ebed0469440ea2c577e420dbb0a374a7ff2680fff38e34be4)

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