github Consensys/teku 0.11.4

latest releases: 24.6.1, 24.6.0, 24.4.0...
pre-release4 years ago

Breaking Changes

  • teku validator generate no longer sends ETH1 deposit transactions. It only generates BLS keys for validators.
    The new teku validator generate-and-register subcommand can be used to generate and register validators in one step

Additions and Improvements

  • Renamed --metrics-host-whitelist to --metrics-host-allowlist and --rest-api-host-whitelist to --rest-api-host-allowlist
  • Added /v1/node/version and /v1/node/identity REST endpoints. Anyone using /node/version should switch to use
    the new endpoint, as /node/version will be removed in a future release.
  • Added --validators-graffiti="GRAFFITI" command line option to allow graffiti to be used in block production.
  • The Teku version is now printed at startup
  • Eth1 deposits now load on startup from the local database, then sync to the eth1 provider once loading is complete.
    A hidden flag has been added to disable this functionality if it causes any issues - --Xeth1-deposits-from-storage-enabled=false.
    Local storage requirements will increase slightly due to the need to store each deposit block
    event from the eth1 provider so that it can be replayed during restarts.
  • Added a teku debug db get-deposits subcommand to load report the ETH1 deposits from the database. This is not intended for normal use but can be useful when debugging issues.
  • The directory structure created by validator generate has changed. All files are now generated in a single directory.
    Filename of withdrawal key is now named using the validator public key eg 814a1a6_validator.json 814a1a6_withdrawal.json
  • Validator voluntary exit gossip topics are now supported
  • Proposer slashing gossip topics are now supported
  • Attester slashing gossip topics are now supported
  • Added support for Gossipsub 1.1
  • Building from downloaded source packages rather than git checkout now works
  • Memory requirements during non-finalized periods has been reduced, but further work is required in this area
  • REST API documentation is automatically published to as soon as changes are merged
  • A memory dump is now captured if Teku encounters and out of memory error. By default these are
    written to the current work directory but an alternate location can be specified by setting the
    environment variable TEKU_OPTS=-XX:HeapDumpPath=/path
    This can be disabled by setting TEKU_OPTS=-XX:-HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError
  • Treat attestations from verified blocks or produced in the validator as "seen" for gossip handling
  • Added metrics to report the active and live validators for the current and previous epochs
    (beacon_previous_live_validators, beacon_previous_active_validators, beacon_current_live_validators, beacon_current_active_validators)
  • Added metrics to report on the in-memory store. Includes state cache hit/miss rates and the current number of states, blocks and checkpoint states held in the store.
  • Optimised decompression of points in BLS
  • Keystores generated with Teku are now compatible with Lighthouse
  • Added additional logging during start up to provide progress information while hot states are being regenerated
  • Integrated the new fork choice reference tests

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed StackOverflowException from fork choice get_ancestor method during long periods of non-finalization
  • Fixed issue where ETH1 events could be missed immediately after startup resulting in an incorrect genesis state being generated
  • Fixed issue where the beacon node was considered in-sync prior to finding any peers
  • Recalculate validator duties when a block is imported which may affect duty scheudling.
    This occurs when blocks are delayed for more than epoch, for example due to a network outage
  • Block production no longer fails if the Eth1Data vote in the new block is the last required vote
    for that Eth1Data and the new Eth1Data allows inclusion of new deposits
  • io.netty.handler.timeout.ReadTimeoutException and are no longer reported at ERROR level
  • Fix attestation is invalid error messages caused by a race condition verifying signatures
  • Support zero-roundtrip multistream negotiations in libp2p
  • Fix missed assertion in fork choice which could lead to an IndexOutOfBoundException (not consensus affecting)
  • Clarified the "Minimum genesis time reached" message to be clearer that this only indicates that an
    ETH1 block satisfying the time criteria for genesis has been found.
    Additional validators may still be required before the genesis state is known.
  • Fixed a number of error messages that were logged during Teku shutdown
  • Respect the optional epoch paramter to the /beacon/validators REST API endpoint
  • Fix "Command too long" error when running on Windows
  • Fixed issue where exceptions may be reported by the uncaught exception handler instead of reported back to the original caller.
    This resulted in some RPC streams not being closed correctly.
  • Fixed execessive use of CPU regenerating states to map slots to block roots while servicing beacon block by root RPC requests.

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