3.00 Apr 01 2018
- DEPRECATION WARNING: the following components got removed,
read more on https://labs.consol.de/omd/migration_3.html
- Nagios 3
- Icinga 1
- CheckMK
- Nagvis
- OMD:
- removed icinga1
- removed nagvis
- removed check_mk
- removed dataScryer
- removed nagios3
- Naemon:
- update core to 1.0.10
- update livestatus to 1.0.10
- Thruk: update to 2.28
- Mod-Gearman:
- update mod-gearman-worker-go to 1.1.1
- update 3.0.8
- LMD: Update 1.5.0
- check_nsc_web: update to 0.5.2
- Ansible 2.7.9
- Prometheus: update to 2.8.1
- Alertmanager update to 0.16.1
- Thanos update to 0.3.1
- Grafana update to 6.0.2
- InfluxDB: update to 1.7.3
- Go updated to 1.11.6
- Add Go 1.12.1