github CommunityToolkit/Maui 4.0.0-mediaelement
v4.0.0 MediaElement: Lock Screen Controls & Metadata Support

latest releases: 2.0.2-camera, 6.0.1-mediaelement, 11.1.0...
8 months ago

Introducing the next major version of MediaElement version 4.0, all thanks to the amazing @ne0rrmatrix!

In this version you can play media in the background and control that through the OS integrated lock screen controls 🤯 this comes together with properties to influence the metadata that is shown in said lock screen as well.

Go check it out and let us know what you think. To get you started, we have updated our docs for this new amazing functionality.

Additionally we threw in a couple of bugfixes for you to enjoy, see all the details below.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 3.1.1-mediaelement...4.0.0-mediaelement

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