Bug fix release, address shared memory unmapping for opcode, sysbadaddr, enosys and sysinval stressors. Fix trimming in malloc stressor, fixes memory leak in mmap stressor.
[Colin Ian King]
- Makefile: bump version
- Makefile: remove -g from CFLAGS
- stress-sock: fix memory real on mmap_buffer
- stress-malloc: replace pre-inc with post-inc on trim_counter
- stress-tsc: only define stress_tsc_check when required
- manual: update release date
- stress-opcode: allow exit system call
- stress-sysbadaddr: don't unmap shared memory, just make it read-only
- stress-enosys: don't unmap shared memory, just make it read-only
- stress-opcode: don't unmap shared memory, just make it read-only
- stress-sysinval: don't unmap shared memory, just make it read-only
- stress-tsc: clean up warnings with systems that do not support lfence
- stress-sysonval: add in missing old/deprecated and new system calls
- stress-enosys: add in missing _NR* syscalls
- README.md: add another kernel issue found by stress-ng
- stress-malloc: mmap addr array and prefetch values
- stress-malloc: only trim memory when new option --malloc-trim is used
- stress-tsc: add the --tsc-rdtscp option
- Add build-time check for rdtsc instruction