github Cog-Creators/Red-DiscordBot 3.0.0b17
Release 3.0.0b17

latest releases: 3.5.9, 3.5.8, 3.5.7...
pre-release5 years ago


As discussed in the Beta 16 release notes, the breaking changes of #1836 are now in effect. For more details see that Pull request.

Autohelp changes. (#1836)
Allows the use of prefixes in install messages (#1869)
Added new flags (#1872)
Added checking for valid playlist files (#1891)
Audio now respects voice channel permissions (#1878)
The Economy leaderboards got a new look.(#1898)

Embed colors are now applied to more commands (#1918)
Various changes to the Config JSON driver (#1855)
Made PyTest fixtures always available (#1858)
Show the Red version on the launcher (#1810)
Payday clarifications (#1892)
Clarified the reports help texts (#1860)
Clarified the streams help texts (#1837)
Clarified the admin help texts (#1906)
Stop the tmp directory from showing up (#1895)
Removed every reference for Python 3.5 (#1896)
Use our own checks instead of's (#1861)
Aliased Colour to color (#1916)
Improved the performance of Permissions (#1885)
Improved mod/admin role logic (#1914)
Warnings got a big update (#1867)
Reports now display the member's full username and discriminator. (#1913)
Made permissions more consistent (#1905)
Audio now has a more aggressive empty disconnect (#1925)

Fixed various typos (#1917)
Fixed a bug with modset (#1854)
Removed an outdated reference (#1856)
Fixed an example in the Config documentation (#1876)
Fixed an error in trying to grab past user/nicknames in userinfo (#1865)
Fixed unnecessary writes on context manage exit (#1859)
Fixed data not saving on playlist create (#1889)
Fixed cleanup messages cleaning up to many messages (#1864)
Fixed duplicate help messages on ignore (#1862)
Fixed DM usage in some commands (#1919)
Fixed the wrong reason being used on unbanning (#1842)
Fixed playlist queue duplicates (#1890)

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