github Cog-Creators/Lavalink-Jars

latest releases: 3.7.11+red.2, 3.7.12-rc1+red.1, 3.7.11...
3 years ago

This build is using:

U-Lavaplayer 1.3.58 thanks to the efforts of @Devoxin, @Walkyst, and @Fabricio20

Changelog information can be found at this link where the changes included in this build are from 1.3.50 -> 1.3.58.

Lavalink/dev without this commit as it was added too late in our testing cycle, and including this PR to account for this issue on Mac devices or virtual Windows environments on RHEL devices that are running the Adopt JDK.

As always, this includes custom natives built for non-supported architectures like Mac, 32 and 64 bit ARM, 32 bit Windows and Linux devices, aarch64 (64-bit OS on RPi).

This jar runs on Java 11 or Java 13. If you are a Red-DiscordBot user using this jar, our support is for, and our recommended Java version is Java 11. We also highly suggest you use the -Djdk.tls.client.protocols=TLSv1.2 flag when launching this jar under Java 11.

Known Issues
Twitch streams are problematic at the moment. They will stop randomly and a possible way of playing them for now is having them as the only track in the queue and setting repeat on so it is re-queued and restarted when the stream stops.

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