github CodingWonders/DISMTools v0.6_pre_24121

pre-release3 months ago

This is the eighth and final preview release (Beta 4) of DISMTools 0.6, with new features and enhancements:

File hashes

File Name Hash (SHA256)
Installer dt_setup.exe 9AF42312206CAD4085378C3C0A4471946C91265E10536A79E261C44A27ABF95D
Portable 1CC6B99D28E1A02A056768BFAC89A1A2B82099B552C28C20ED5EB8E26E6DACDA


  • Fixed an issue where operations would no longer start sometimes
  • Fixed a visual issue with the image file information list view of the ISO creation wizard
  • Fixed an issue where the program would throw an IO exception when getting information about AppX packages, such as Intel Graphics Experience or MSI Center, in some cases (#199, #200, thanks @yyg1208 for spotting)
  • Fixed a startup exception related to the mounted image detector (#201, thanks @Oldsch00lpunk for spotting)
  • The DynaLog logging system has seen some fixes in the log maintenance functions

New features

  • The Scintilla.NET component has been updated to version 5.6.3
  • 7-Zip has been updated to version 24.09

Unattended answer file features

  • UnattendGen has been updated to the latest version
  • User passwords are now encoded (obscured) with Base64 by default, for increased security


This is the only measure of security you can apply to user accounts in unattended answer files, according to Microsoft.

Yes, I know this is not the best idea.

  • The default window size has been increased
  • You can now make the target system ask for a Microsoft account interactively:

  • More account checks have been added. Now, you need at least one user in the Administrators group before continuing with the creation of your answer file


These checks aren't performed when you want to use a Microsoft account or want the system to ask for user information

  • After creating an answer file, if you want to create another one, you can now decide whether or not to reuse what you used for the answer file

  • More user name checks have been added, keeping you from using more system user names and groups (such as Guest or SYSTEM):

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.6_pre_24112...v0.6_pre_24121

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