github CodingWonders/DISMTools v0.4.2_upd3.1
v0.4.2 Update 3.1

latest releases: v0.5_stable, v0.5_pre_2461
23 days ago

This is an emergency patch update for DISMTools version 0.4.2, which fixes some issues.

File hashes

File Name Hash (SHA256)
Installer dt_setup.exe 1821C11030CF434ABBCE3357B4F29BF48F20EB57B777130AC824FFF1E3F513FD
Portable DBCD9804407C907C8D015FCA09F31FB1CC85EF7ACDEE71F16683F37309336881


  • Fixed a critical issue where all DISM operations would fail when performing servicing on drives (thanks chib-ba on the MDL forums for spotting)
  • If the download or install sizes of a capability are less than 1024 bytes, the program will no longer show (~)
  • Fixed some functionality and reliability issues of the App Installer downloader

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.4.2_upd3...v0.4.2_upd3.1

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