github CodeTogether-Inc/CodeTogether 2022.2.1

latest releases: 2024.2.0, 2024.1.0, 2023.2.0...
2 years ago
  • Inline Search in VS Code
    Participants now follow a VS Code host navigating through source code using inline search.
  • Better Updates in VS Code
    Getting updates in VS Code is now more clearer with optional or mandatory updates clearly visualized and actionable.
  • On-Premises Security Updates
    This release updates a series of packages and modules that while not causing a direct exploitable vulnerability are known to have moderate-severity security issues.
  • On-Premises SSO Fixes
    To ensure compatibility, fixes an issue with connecting to specific SSO providers regarding payload format.
  • On-Premises Read-only Filesystem
    As part of a security theme, CodeTogether's On-Premises image now supports running as a read-only file system.

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