github CloudCompare/CloudCompare v2.12.4
v2.12.4 (Kyiv)

latest releases: v2.13.1, v2.13, v2.13.alpha.230227...
22 months ago

v2.12.4 (Kyiv) - (14/07/2022)

  • Bug fixes:
    • CloudCompare 2.12.X (X<4) could miss some triangles when computing the Cloud-to-Mesh distances (resulting in slightly overestimated distances)
    • CloudCompare would still apply the Global Shift even though it was rejected by the user (which is a bad idea ;). But the entity
      Global Shift would then be (0, 0, 0), resulting in the loss of the original coordinate system.
    • the scale in the lower-right part of the 3D view could have the wrong length (if the height of the window is larger than its width)
    • FBX: CloudCompare couldn't properly load the materials (textures) of meshes with quads
    • the Compass plugin was exporting large coordinates with a too small precision
    • the command line could ignore the input global shift (set with -GLOBAL_SHIFT) if it was not sufficient
      to make the points coordinates small enough. This was not consistent with the previous behavior.
    • the segmentation tool in Perspective mode could keep points behind the camera/viewpoint

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