github Clooos/Bubble-Card v2.0.0-beta.1
Bubble Card v2.0.0-beta.1

latest releases: v2.1.0, v2.1.0-beta.4, v2.1.0-beta.3...
pre-release3 months ago

Bubble Card 2 - First beta


Hi everyone!

About 8 months ago, I released the very first version of Bubble Card. Since then, I have been improving it in my spare time, but as you know the latest versions did not add many features, mainly because the list of bugs was getting longer but also because I had started a complete restructuring of the code to allow better maintenance in the future.

For this version, I had considerable help from @brunosabot, an experienced developer who helped me push the restructuring even further. But he didn’t just settle for a better structure, he also corrected and improved many points along the way!

This new structure finally allowed me to focus on the features that I wanted to add since the very first version, here is a preview!


This is the biggest new feature of this version, it is now possible to add customized buttons in almost all the cards already available, even the separator! This allows for almost endless possibilities! I can't wait to see what you are going to create with these!

Bubble Card - Sub buttons

The first button is from me (the % and the light bulb icon are both sub-buttons), the second one is from my wife 👀

Pasted Graphic 3

A button that handles a vacuum with multiple sub-buttons.

New media player card

I’ve also added a new card to handle a media player, you can even add your own custom sub-buttons in it!


These buttons are not sub-buttons but you can show/hide the ones you need.

The pop-up header is now a Bubble button

This feature was requested for a long time, you can now change your pop-up header to act as a slider if you want (this means you can add sub-buttons too!).


This is some sort of breaking change compared to the previous release, to add back the power button or the state just add some sub-buttons in the editor 🙂

Advanced states 

You now have the possibility to add an attribute or the last updated time next to the state on almost every card types, and translated to every available languages!


New editor

This release comes with an all new GUI for the editor, and also with a lot of fixes! For example the horizontal buttons stack editor is now instant. I've also added the possibility to add tap actions directly in it, as well as the custom styles!

Tap actions everywhere

The Home Assistant tap actions are really helpful, that’s why I’ve added them in new places. Like on the buttons or the sub-buttons to allow even more customization.

Performance, stability and a lot of bug fixes

This was the first thing that was worked on for this version, to everyone who had issues in the past this version is for you! Especially for iOS and Safari users!

But that's not all!

Here is the list of all other new features and bug fixes:

💡 New features

  • Breaking change: No more custom button, all buttons are customizable now.
  • Default icons: This is still a work in progress but there is now default icons when you create a new button.
  • New state button: @brunosabot added a new state card, the difference is that it shows the more info panel when you tap/click on it.
  • New name/text button: I've added a new button to only show text if you need, this is perfect for the pop-up header for example.
  • Forcing icons: You can now add force_icon: true to always display the icon instead of the entity picture. It's also available in the editor.
  • Sliders supports more entities: Slider buttons now supports the cover position and input_number.
  • Switch supports more entities: Switch buttons now support more entity types (if an entity type is not supported please open an issue).
  • Texts auto-scrolling: Long texts in small cards are now scrolling by default if the content is longer than its container, perfect for small screens.
  • Button switch color: If you add a light that handles colors in your switch, the background will automatically change accordingly.
  • Styles changes: Some styles have changed a bit.
  • Editor optimization: The card preview in the editor is now sticky when you scroll. But there is so much more changes in it!
  • Pop-up in editor: When you enter in the editor, the pop-ups are now collapsed to take less space.
  • And I'm probably forgetting some others!

✔️ Bug fixes and optimizations

  • Dashboard column layout: This old issue is now finally fixed! I've removed the column_fix, just place your pop-up before all cards to ensure a correct layout.
  • Pop-up not covering all cards: This issue is now fixed!
  • Pop-up top gradient: I've replaced it by a mask to make it looks better.
  • Pop-up position: The pop-up should now be centered correctly in all cases (there is still the margin fix if you need it).
  • Pop-up custom styles: They are now working correctly.
  • Entity picture fix: The entity picture are now working when accessing Home Assistant from outside of the local network.
  • Horizontal buttons stack fixes: The HBS is not covering the last card of your view anymore. And a lot of other issues are now fixed, thanks to @brunosabot!
  • And so much more from @brunosabot and me!

And that's all... This is still a beta and I hope that everything is working! I can't wait (as always) to read your feedback!

One more thing, if you are interested I've opened a Subreddit for Bubble Card where I post my progress on the project. Here it is:



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