github Clooos/Bubble-Card v1.5.0-beta.3
Bubble Card v1.5.0-beta.3

latest releases: v2.0.4, v2.0.3, v2.0.2...
pre-release7 months ago

BETA : Bubble Card pop-ups now works as a frontend module!

v1.5.0-beta.3 :

I've fixed the missing bubble-pop-up.js, it was an issue on v1.5.0-beta.2 when it was installed from HACS.

More info about this update below.

v1.5.0-beta.2 :

First breaking change! Thank you for reading through.

Hi everyone! The previous beta was not the best one and it added a lot of new issues, but this version should fix a lot of them, if not all (thanks again for all your feedback!).

This is not the first time I have said that but this update brings the most significant performance improvement since the creation of Bubble Card. Now, the content of the pop-ups is finally removed from the DOM when it is closed. This means that the cameras are also removed, yes I've finally done it 🥳

I am personally surprised by the difference that this version makes on my config, and it has been tested on almost all browsers! In addition, the editor has also been extensively optimized.

I’ve also had to introduce the first breaking change. Now, if you want to use the pop-ups, you’ll need to install bubble-pop-up.js as an extra module (it's included in this release).

Along with this change, the pop-ups now have a new type custom: bubble-pop-up (this is the real breaking change). If you already have pop-ups configured, you’ll need to make the change for each one, either in YAML or in the GUI editor. Once the change is made on the type, your dashboard will return to how it was before.

Thank you for your understanding and I can't wait for your feedback!


  • In your configuration.yaml, add the following under frontend :
    - /hacsfiles/Bubble-Card/bubble-pop-up.js
  • Restart Home Assistant.
  • You should now have Bubble Pop-up and Bubble Card in your card list in the editor.
  • For previous users: Replace all your card-type:pop-up to use custom:bubble-pop-up.

Here is how a pop-up looks like now :

type: vertical-stack
  - type: custom:bubble-pop-up
    hash: '#pop-up-name'

v1.5.0-beta.1 :


Hi everyone! Here is an update that allows you to add Bubble Card as a frontend module. This enhancement resolves issues with pop-up initialization and prevents any pop-up content from being displayed during page loading (an issue that has been present since the first beta!). This should significantly improve page load times across all browsers. Here's how you can configure it:

  • In your configuration.yaml, add the following under frontend :
    - /hacsfiles/Bubble-Card/bubble-card.js
  • On your dashboard, click on the three-dot icon at the top right corner, then select Edit dashboard.
  • Click on the icon again and select Manage resources.
  • Delete the bubble-card.js resource.
  • Restart Home Assistant.
  • Clear page cache and check the Bubble Card version in your browser console.

You should notice a significant improvement in load times!

All your feedbacks are very welcome as always!


Thank you once again for your continued support!

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