github ClassicOldSong/moonlight-android v12.1-artemis-241031

latest release: v12.1-artemis-241120
22 days ago

Change log:

  1. Upgrade dependencies
  2. Add dedicated "GAME" release for Samsung devices


TL;DR: If you're using Samsung devices, download the GAME virant. If not, use the nonRoot version.

GAME release have the app marked with GAME category and it'll bring up game booster/helper on your phone depending on your system. Some systems will lock framerate to 60/120fps with game labels on them, while Samsung devices with VRR capability need GAME label to disable VRR since VRR will cause stuttering and lagging.


This version includes changes that requires features from Apollo. Virtual Display, OTP/DeepLink pairing, Server Commands and Clipboard Sync can only function with Apollo. Compatibility with current Sunshine hosts are not affected, but might break with GFE.

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