github CherryHQ/cherry-studio v0.8.24

latest releases: v0.9.6, v0.9.5, v0.9.4...
one month ago

v0.8.24 - 2024-12-12

  1. 增加快捷键切换助手和话题显示
  2. 历史消息懒加载 by @1355873789
  3. 更快的应用更新下载速度 by @1355873789
  4. 更加清晰的模型分组
  5. 修复部分代码块无法正常显示问题
  6. 增加应用更新内容显示
  7. 消息发送增加 Ctrl + Enter 快捷键
  8. 清除上下文消息点击可以撤销
  9. 增加 Top-P 设置选项

v0.8.24 - 2024-12-12

  1. Added shortcut to switch assistant and topic display
  2. Lazy loading of historical messages by @1355873789
  3. Faster application update download speed by @1355873789
  4. Clearer model grouping
  5. Fixed issue with some code blocks not displaying properly
  6. Added display of application update content
  7. Added Ctrl + Enter shortcut for sending messages
  8. Clearing context messages can be undone
  9. Added Top-P setting option

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