v0.7.2 - 2024-09-19
- 支持添加文本文档附件
- 支持粘贴剪贴板图片
- 支持粘贴文本文件
- 支持把长文本当作附件粘贴
- 支持将话题移动到其他智能体
- 所有消息增加 token 统计(预估)
- 消息的操作按钮移动到底部
- 支持撤销清除上下文标记
- 更好的支持了数学公式
- 点击智能体自动跳转到会话列表(需要设置)
v0.7.2 - 2024-09-19
- Support adding text document attachments
- Support pasting clipboard images
- Support pasting text files
- Support pasting long text as attachments
- Support moving topics to other intelligent entities
- Added token statistics (estimated) for all messages
- Moved message action buttons to the bottom
- Support undoing context clearing
- Better support for mathematical formulas
- Automatically jump to conversation list when clicking on intelligent entity (requires settings)