github ChartsOrg/Charts v2.2.4
New features, Swift 2.2/3.0, and bugfixes

latest releases: 5.1.0, 5.0.0, v4.1.0...
8 years ago
  • Breaking change: Simplified setting axis min and max value. Now instead of 4 different confusing variables for axis min/max, there's only one to mess with: axisMinValue and axisMaxValue. These are instead of customAxisMin/customAxisMax. And axisMinimum/axisMaximum do not exist anymore. (This change happened on the Android side too, and is mutually compatible)
  • We've moved to Swift 2.2, which means that the minimum required Xcode version is now 7.3
  • New support for stepped line charts!
  • The new zero-line feature now defaults to false
  • Fixes related to cubic-lines
  • Improvements to edge cases in Pie charts
  • Many more bugfixes

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