github ChangeWindows/ChangeWindows v7.7.0
ChangeWindows 7.7

latest releases: v7.9.0, v7.8.2, v7.8.1...
20 months ago

ChangeWindows 7.7 is a major feature update introducing flag tracking, a revamped timeline, and much better admin tools.


  • #67 Progress states: adds progress states for buttons. This will only be done partially.
  • #152 Revamped authentication: revamp the various authentication screens, return support for creating accounts and implement a new profile page to manage your account.
    • Introduces updated design for the existing Authentication screens.
    • Adds Registration screen to the auth flow.
    • Adds Profile settings to manage name and password.
  • #153 Revamped timeline design: sort and group the timeline by device type to improve readability.
  • #156 Quick support toggle: especially for Xbox, having a quick toggle in the release settings to enable or disable support for a channel would be very welcome.
  • #157 Windows Feature Store tracker: introduce a new page where we track the status and functionality of the various features in the Windows Feature Store.
  • 625c8eb Revamp releases overview: revamps the admin releases overview to list all active releases together and to adopt the revamped timeline design.

Code quality

  • #158 Replace PHP-based routes with Javascript route() function.
  • #159 Standardize permission notation, improve what is visible when.
  • #160 Standardize status messages and reporting.
  • #161 Migrate forms to useForms.
  • 20429c1 Major improvements to code consistency.
  • 20429c1 Relative paths are replaced with the a alias.


  • #155 Fixes a bug where toggling "Ongoing" for a release wouldn't be saved.
  • #162 Fixes a bug where the titlebar would collapse in on itself in PWA mode.
  • f330655 Fixes a typo in the website description.
  • b4fe621 Fixes a bug where the back link when editing a Launch would go to flights instead of launches.
  • 4c4886e Fixes an incorrect permission check on editing package changelogs when viewing a package form.
  • c613e35 Fixes a broken import when creating a promotion.
  • 1850056 Fixes a bug that made it impossible to create a new role.
  • 084123f Fixes various incorrect descriptions for fieldsets in Promotion settings.
  • d334c6f Fixes the "Tool" setting not being able to save for platforms.
  • c0b4800 Fixes a bug where it wasn't possible to add a new channel to a platform.
  • c0b4800 Fixes a redirect to an unexisting route.
  • 375834d Fixes various UI elements being visible when the user doesn't have the right permissions in the Backstage and issues where fields that should be disabled were not.
  • e6f8586 ef1f3f8 Fixes a bug where the changelog would be missing on mobile devices.


  • d500998 Replaces Laravel Mix with Vite.

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