github ChainSafe/lodestar v1.28.0
Release v1.28.0

16 hours ago

Hey Lodestar users! We just released v1.28.0 which contains fixes and optimizations we found throughout the Holesky rescue. This release is recommended for all users of Lodestar on all networks.

This release contains the --network hoodi option for the new public testnet.

In addition, we have a new feature that will locally persist the state and block if you receive an invalid state root. These objects will be accessible in your <dataDir>/invalidSszObjects/ folder, which will help us in debugging issues.


Full Changelog


Bug Fixes

  • use PRE_ELECTRA_SINGLE_ATTESTATION_COMMITTEE_INDEX for pre-electra (#7589) (@twoeths)
  • reject execution requests with empty data (#7530) (@ensi321)
  • attestation rewards return rounded values and add Electra support (#7562) (@ensi321)
  • chain.nHistoricalStatesFileDataStore (#7551) (@twoeths)
  • use correct subnet when validating gossip attestations (#7547) (@nflaig)
  • reject a consolidation request coming from a validator with BLS withdrawal credentials (#7568) (@iFrostizz)
  • handle getDependentRoot() error when importing block (#7552) (@twoeths)
  • set FULU_FORK_EPOCH to Infinity in sepolia network config (#7532) (@nflaig)
  • print out correct listen address of REST API server (#7514) (@nflaig)
  • findSeedStateToReload (#7516) (@twoeths)
  • type checks for build config (#7519) (@nazarhussain)
  • processState to handle processPastEpoch (#7505) (@twoeths)
  • prune checkpoint states in processSlotsToNearestCheckpoint (#7497) (@twoeths)
  • ensure loaded state is typed as Uint8Array (#7488) (@nflaig)
  • ensure new withdrawalCredentials in switchToCompoundingValidator() (#7478) (@twoeths)



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