github CardanoSolutions/ogmios v6.4.0

25 days ago


  • Integrated with cardano-node==8.11.0-pre.

  • A new transaction submission / evaluation error:

    • UnauthorizedGovernanceAction (code=3165) raised when trying to submit a governance action other than protocol parameters change, hard fork initiation or info during the bootstrapping phase of the Conway era.
  • A new queryNetwork error:

    • InvalidGenesis (code=2004) raised when trying to query a genesis configuration which is invalid or missing (for instance, when there's a mismatch between the Conway configuration and the underlying ledger library parsing it). (🐞 @AndrewWestberg)


  • The data.providedCollateral and data.computedTotalCollateral from submission errors with code 3128 and 3135 can now be negative Ada values.

  • TypeScript Fixed missing conway option in the state query client for the genesisConfiguration query.


  • N/A

Tested with

  • cardano-node == 8.9.3 (Mainnet, Preprod, Preview)
  • cardano-node == 8.11.0-pre (SanchoNet)

Docker image(s)


  • cardanosolutions/ogmios:v6.4.0

With cardano-node

  • Mainnet cardanosolutions/cardano-node-ogmios:v6.4.0_8.9.3-mainnet
  • Preprod cardanosolutions/cardano-node-ogmios:v6.4.0_8.9.3-preprod
  • Preview cardanosolutions/cardano-node-ogmios:v6.4.0_8.9.3-preview
  • SanchoNet cardanosolutions/cardano-node-ogmios:v6.4.0_8.11.0-pre-sanchonet



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