github CardanoSolutions/ogmios v6.11.0

13 hours ago


  • The queryLedgerState/stakePools query now take an optional includeStake: bool parameter. When provided and set to true, each stake pool result will include an additional stake field with its current absolute live stake (reflecting its governance power).

  • A new query [queryLedgerState/delegateRepresentatives] to fetch all registered (and pre-defined) DReps, alongside their metadata and live stake. In a similar fashion to many other queries, DReps can be filtered using keys or scripts credentials in the query parameters. When both are omitted, all representatives are returned.


  • The dual container image (CardnoSolutions/cardano-node-ogmios) now ships with cardano-node==10.1.4.


  • N/A

Tested with

  • cardano-node == 10.1.3 (Mainnet, Preprod, Preview)
  • cardano-node == 10.1.4 (Mainnet, Preprod, Preview)

Docker image(s)


With cardano-node



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