github CardanoSolutions/ogmios v5.1.0

latest releases: v6.2.0, v6.1.0, v6.0.3...
2 years ago


  • New LocalTxMonitor support in Ogmios. See The user guide for more details. (💡 @mmahut)

    ⚠️ This new protocol is NOT enabled in cardano-node@1.33.*. Until its inclusion in a next release, a custom build of cardano-node is required to include a more recent version of ouroboros-network which adds support for that protocol to the Ouroboros' mini-protocols; namely: 32af9168.

    A version of cardano-node@1.33.0 patched with the necessary commits can be found at CardanoSolutions/cardano-node@1.33.0+local-tx-monitor.

  • New fields in the health object:

    • connectionStatus"connected" or "disconnected", to reflect status with the node. #154 (💡 @gitmachtl)
    • currentEpoch → which returns the current known epoch of the linked node #164 (💡 @ray-robot)
    • slotInEpoch → which returns the relative number of slots elapsed in the current epoch.
  • New ogmios health-check command, useful to perform simple health check on a running server. For example, to monitor a container via Docker health check mechanism:

    HEALTHCHECK --interval=10s --timeout=5s --retries=1 CMD /bin/ogmios health-check
  • Bumped internal dependencies to Cardano's 1.33.* eco-system.


  • networkSynchronization and currentEra can be null when the server isn't connected to a node. #154

  • The Metrics trace is now correctly tagged with MetricsRuntimeStatsDisabled.

  • Fixed an issue with the Docker monitoring scripts of cardano-node-ogmios, causing issues on restart. #159 (🔨 @jacquesvcritien)

  • TypeScript Relax upper-bound constraint on required node.js engine. This should make it possible to install the TypeScript packages on more recent versions on node.js than the one specified on the repository.





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