github Captain-P-Goldfish/SCIM-SDK 1.9.0

latest releases: 1.24.0, 1.23.0, 1.22.0...
3 years ago

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed schema validation for patch requests that are using other simple value types than string
  • json-null values will no longer cause DocumentValidationExceptions
  • patch-remove does now also work on complex types
  • Fixed an error that caused elements to be not removed from multivalued types on patch operations
  • Fixed Filtering for extensions. Before filtering did not work on the EnterpriseUser extension or any other extension
  • Fixed removing complex types for patch operations when using the fully qualified attribute name e.g. urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User:manager
  • Fixed the response value for WWW-Authenticate header in case of failed authentication. Before the AuthenticationScheme.authenticationType was returned but the correct value to return is

API Changes

  • the username attribute from the User schema is defined to be none empty by SCIM. The api-validation extension has been used to enforce the username to be not blank
  • the setAttribute(String attributeName, String attributeValue)-method of ScimObjectNode does not remove string values from the json structure anymore if the string consists of whitespaces only or is simply a string with length 0. Only the value null will cause the attribute to be removed.
  • The internal server error message has changed from sorry but an internal error has occurred. to An internal error has occurred.
  • Changed method signature of ResourceHandler#getResource. ExcludedAttributesand Attributes parameter are now added as method parameters. This can be used to avoid unnecessary joins

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