⚠️ Breaking Change
如果您已经部署了 new-api-worker,请执行以下步骤:
- 更新您的 new-api-worker 配置文件,确保包含最新的必需参数
- 重新部署您的 worker 实例以应用新的配置
Required Actions
If you have already deployed new-api-worker, please follow these steps:
- Update your new-api-worker configuration file to include the latest required parameters
- Redeploy your worker instance to apply the new configuration
What's Changed
- feat: add Gemini Imagen image generation support by @Sh1n3zZ in #763
- bugfix: 配置文件 .env.example 示例配置错误 by @lgphone in #768
- feat: Add user notification settings and multiple notification methods by @Calcium-Ion in #770
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.
What's Changed
- feat: add Gemini Imagen image generation support by @Sh1n3zZ in #763
- bugfix: 配置文件 .env.example 示例配置错误 by @lgphone in #768
- feat: Add user notification settings and multiple notification methods by @Calcium-Ion in #770
- fix: Fix Ollama channel authentication by @wellcoming in #773
New Contributors
- @Sh1n3zZ made their first contribution in #763
- @lgphone made their first contribution in #768
- @wellcoming made their first contribution in #773
Full Changelog: v0.