github CaffeineMC/lithium mc1.21.1-0.15.0
Lithium 0.15.0 for Minecraft 1.21.1 Fabric and Neoforge

latest release: mc1.21.4-0.15.0
one day ago

Lithium 0.15.0 for Minecraft 1.21.1 includes new optimizations and several bug fixes, including better compatibility with neoforge inventories.

Make sure to take a backup of your world before using the mod and please report any bugs and mod compatibility issues at the issue tracker. You can check the description of each optimization and how to disable it when encountering a problem.


  • explosion entity raycast optimizations (Thanks to RacoonDog)
  • Sleeping crafter block entity


  • Fix crash with Create Pondering when entities are pushed by fluids
  • Fix crash when placing a block at build limit in the end and attempting to spawn a dragon
  • Fix hoppers sleeping even though interaction with neoforge API block inventories is possible
  • Fix sleeping hoppers woken up by moving item entities even if blocked with a full block
  • Fix broken state of ChunkAwareBlockCollisionSweeper in entity nether portal positioning optimization and with TIS-Carpet

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