github CaffeineMC/lithium-fabric mc1.18.2-0.7.10
Lithium 0.7.10 for Minecraft 1.18.2

23 months ago

This release adds fixes several bugs and adds a few new optimizations. A bug where villager AI does not work correctly after losing its profession and a few small bugs in the hopper optimization are fixed. New optimizations for mob brains and nether portal search are included.


new: ai.poi: nether portal search and POI search optimizations
new: ai.sensor.secondary_poi: villagers that have no secondary POI (farmland) do not search for it
new: ai.task.launch: optimize task starting by keeping track of possible tasks
new: chunk.palette: avoid duplicate PalettedContainer.DataProvider records, use hash palette for 3 bit biome storage


fix: ai.task.memory_change_counting: copy memory change count to copied brains
fix: ai.task.memory_change_counting: do not use cached values before setting them
fix: avoid crash when duplicate entities with non-unique entity ids are in the same entity section
fix: fox holding food visually after eating it
fix: hoppers not updating after external modification of "shadow items"
fix: hoppers not picking up items after some storage minecart interactions
fix: hoppers try to pick up some item entities several times in one tick
fix: hoppers using old stacklist of entity inventories after replacing stacklist
fix: update suffocation optimization to 1.18.2

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