github Cacti/cacti release/1.2.6

4 years ago

Release of Cacti 1.2.6

Thank you everyone who are using Cacti and especially those helping to make Cacti better!

For additional details check out the README located on GitHub.


Active development of Cacti is located on GitHub! Join us in making Cacti better, submit issues, fork and submit pull requests!

Change Log

  • issue#2794: Graph template not saved on graph edit
  • issue#2825: "innodb_doublewrite = off" possibly dangerous recommendation
  • issue#2829: PHP recommendations always see memory limit as unlimited
  • issue#2830: Disabled Top/Bottom external links should not be displayed
  • issue#2832: Install/Upgrade log does not show anything
  • issue#2833: Undefined index can occur when data source does not have an snmp_index
  • issue#2834: Boost performance drops on very large systems
  • issue#2835: When creating graphs and inneficient query is causing long creation times
  • issue#2837: Sunrise theme does not render checkboxes 100% correctly
  • issue#2838: jQueryMultiselect does not match upstream due to forking
  • issue#2839: Non regular expression search filters don't support international characters
  • issue#2841: Total count is wrong after searching for External Link pages
  • issue#2843: DSStats reruns Daily Aggregation every minute
  • issue#2844: Autocomplete settings for passwords are not properly defined
  • issue#2845: Data Template can't be edited when it is in use
  • issue#2846: Allow tooltips for section headers with 'question' icon
  • issue#2847: Permanently convert an Aggregate to a regular graph
  • issue#2848: Aggregate graphs get clipped due to incorrect date range
  • issue#2856: Aggregate issues with very long RRDtool command lines
  • issue#2857: When trying to find the best index to use, a 'must implement Countable' warning appears
  • issue#2860: When testing remote poller connections during install, undefined variable warning can occur
  • issue#2862: Automation does not calculate network information correctly for single hosts
  • issue#2866: Add poller ID to subject for admin notifications
  • issue#2869: When creating aggregates from Graphs, JavaScript issues can occur
  • issue#2872: Add support for MySQL 8 and use of grouping as name for a column
  • issue#2875: Undefined variable when removing spikes in some cases
  • issue#2877: When attempting to send report, undefined function 'get_tinespan' messages appear
  • issue#2878: Function get_magic_quotes_gpc() is now deprecated in PHP 7.4
  • issue#2879: Switching from authPriv to authNoPriv produces error when saving
  • issue#2884: Replication continues to occur when poller has been disabled by sysres-dev
  • issue#2891: Script server script ss_fping.php generates error when not called by script server
  • issue#2895: Percentile calculation is incorrect on Graphs with multiple Data Sources from different RRDs
  • issue#2901: Poller overrun warning message is badly worded
  • issue#2902: Mailer incorrectly reports it is sending to noone
  • issue#2903: PHP recommendations can generate a warning causing JSON issues
  • issue#2905: Sorting plugins by version can lead to unexpected ordering
  • issue#2907: SSL column for multiple pollers can be incorrectly set causing SQL errors
  • issue#2908: When URL_PATH is blank, it should assume that it is '/'
  • issue#2909: Correct usage of affect vs effect in strings
  • issue#2910: Can not show user menu when in portrait mode on mobile devices
  • issue#2911: Graph variables are not always encoded to JSON properly resulting in warnings
  • issue#2912: Navigation cache can sometimes be corrupted resulting in a non-array value
  • issue#2913: When adding new graphs, the type of graph is not remembered
  • issue#2917: Action icons next to graphs can sometimes become unselectable due to zoom
  • issue#2919: When refreshing menu, selected items are sometimes lost and submenu items can become hidden

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