Please participate in the beta-test v1.4.1 beta. Download as attachment below.
New features:
- Overlay based on RTSS (Rivatuner Statistics Server)
- Capture service status
- Capture timer
- Run history
- Run history aggregation (more consistent than simply averaging multiple results)
- Outlier detection and handling
- Frametime/framerate + embeded graphs
- Saving aggregated recording file
- Frametime chart range slider (start, end, slidable window)
- Input lag approximation (formular from PresentMon README)
LatencyMs =~ MsBetweenPresents + MsUntilDisplayed - previous(MsInPresentAPI)
To use CX overlay the latest RivaTuner Statistics Server has to be installed:
If the application crashes when the overlay is activated, install Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015, 2017 and 2019 (vc_redist.x64.exe):