github Byron/gitoxide git-diff-v0.22.0
git-diff v0.22.0

20 months ago

Changed (BREAKING)

  • re-export the imara-diff crate as git_diff::blob::*.
    It's flexible API needs nothing more and can be wrapped into more
    convenient APIs from higher-level crates.

    Note that despite being limited to blob, technically imara-diff
    can handle diffing any kind of sequence.

  • remove text::with(…) as it's not usable in practice.
    The only viable API for now, and not a bad one at that, is the one
    imara-diff provides.

Commit Statistics

  • 6 commits contributed to the release.
  • 1 day passed between releases.
  • 2 commits were understood as conventional.
  • 0 issues like '(#ID)' were seen in commit messages

Commit Details

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  • Uncategorized
    • prepare changelogs prior to release (f5f3a9e)
    • Merge branch 'fixes-for-crates-index-diff' (255be4d)
    • re-export the imara-diff crate as git_diff::blob::*. (16b5533)
    • remove text::with(…) as it's not usable in practice. (68a3365)
    • Show how the current API isn't actually working well (bd971e7)
    • refactor (395a590)

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