github BrowserWorks/Waterfox G4.0.0

latest releases: G6.0.16, G6.0.15, G6.0.14...
2 years ago

Welcome to the first stable release of the 4th generation (G4) of Waterfox.

✨ New

  • Based on Gecko 91.3
  • "Lepton" theme based on an improved Photon theme.
  • You can now import specific Gecko-based profiles (Firefox, Waterfox etc.) from File > Import From Another Browswer

✔ Fixed

  • None

ℹ️ Changed

  • System requirements bumped up to require a CPU with SSE4.2
  • Limited as many outgoing connections as possible to keep the browser operational

❌ Unresolved

  • None.

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